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  • Karine
    Dear Hello Admin, I hope this message finds you well. We're inviting a select group of forward-thinking website owners to a special event: A Free Masterclass titled "Build Your Business With AI in 2024". This isn't just another industry webinar. It's a bespoke session crafted to provide you with the knowledge and resources needed to thrive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Key Takeaways: • Discover Your Niche: We'll guide you through the process of uncovering the ideal business concept that aligns with your personal passions, skills, and experiences, setting the foundation for a venture that resonates with you and your target audience. • Innovate with AI: See how to employ cutting-edge AI technology to quickly develop your first profitable online product, streamlining the process from idea to market. • Master Niche Markets: Understand the benefits of targeting specific, niche markets. This approach not only positions your business for success but also provides a layer of protection against the disruptive nature of AI advancements. Why You Can't Miss This Event: "Build Your Business With AI in 2024" offers more than just informational content; it promises real-world tactics and firsthand advice on navigating the future of online business. Whether you're just beginning to explore the possibilities of digital entrepreneurship, this masterclass will provide you with a concrete business plan and the necessary tools to execute it. Reserve Your Free Spot on Looking forward to meeting you at the event, Karine Matteson Digital Marketing Consultant

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SI-6230 Postojna
t: 051 840 004

Projekt delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada. Projekt se izvaja v okviru 11. prednostne osi Operativnega programa za izvajanje Evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014 – 2020, prednostne naložbe 2.11.4. Krepitev zmogljivosti za vse zainteresirane strani, ki izvajajo politike na področju izobraževanja, vseživljenjskega učenja, usposabljanja in zaposlovanja ter socialnih zadev, vključno prek sektorskih in teritorialnih dogovorov za spodbujanje reform na nacionalni, regionalni in lokalni ravni, Specifični cilj 1: Okrepljena zmogljivost nevladnih organizacij za zagovorništvo in izvajanje javnih storitev.